Mr. A.K.Jain

2023 -2024
National Level
• Sh. AK Jain successfully qualified Re-orientation Course of Trainers at NTC BS&G, Pachmarhi (MP) from 06.10.2023 to 10.10.2023.
KVS Level/ State Level
• Sh. AK Jain successfully conducted as Leader of Course Advanced Course for Scout Masters at KV No.1 Udhampur (J&K) from 30.04.2024 to 07.05.2024.
• Sh. AK Jain successfully attended In-service Course for TGT(WE) at ZIET, Chandigarh from 21.02.2024 to 12.03.2024.
• Mrs. Mamta Negi & Sh. AK Jain helped to install BS&G & Painting Stalls in Diamond Jubilee Celebration of KVS at Sarvpalli Radhakrishanan Auditorium, KVNo.2 D/Cantt in December 2023.
• Sh. AK Jain successfully assisted Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for Scouts at KV Vikaspuri.